Modeling Agency, Modelling portfolios & Kids Photography

Fashion Photography Workshop in GOA

Successfully completed fashion photography workshop in Hyderabad which is held at Divya Retreat, On 11th October, all participant clicked amazing pictures. here you can see their works

On a cloudy day we all went to Divya retreat for fashion shoot, everything started well except power cut at the venue which troubled makeup women Uma to set hair styling, after completing theory part we all shot with model Sufi Khan on floral theme pics cam out extra ordinary not only for me for all participants as mentor i was very much happy with output (please have a look few pics attached in this post. 2nd change we shot with model manisha  with her dusky looks she added huge variation for the shoot, after lunch we sufi khan posed on a boat which is available in the lake of divya resort end of the day shooting with sufi in swimming pool was real fun even tho there is no enough light 🙂   that’s it from Hyderabad workshop now all set for Goa workshop which is scheduled on 13th November 2016, it will be a great experience shooting in goan beaches.  am excited !!!